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Thursday, March 5, 2009

More Events

More Events
The Form has more events besides the Form_Load event.
How can you find them?

Click on the Drop-Down List that found in the upper left corner of
the Code Window, where appears right now the text "Form" (Figure 23).

You will see a list of the components that found in your program.
You have 1 command button with the name "Command1" and 1 Form.
Here you select which component's event you want to program.
We want to program a form's event, so select "Form" from the list (Figure 23).

Which events the form has?
Click on the Drop-Down List that found in the upper right corner of
the Code Window, where appears right now the text "Load" (Figure 24)

You will see the complete list of the form's events:
Load, LostFocus, MouseDown, MouseMove and more.

Lets program the Form_Unload event.
Select "Unload" from the form's events list.
The Form_Unload event occurs when the form is being unloaded,
and this happening when you close the program (Using the form's X button (Figure 7)).
So the code that you will write in the Form_Unload event will be launched
when you close the program.

Insert the following line to the Form_Unload event:

MsgBox "GoodBye"

After you've inserted this line to your Form_Unload event,
the Form_Unload event should look like this:

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "GoodBye"
End Sub

Run the program.
When the form is being loaded at the very start, The Form_Load event
is being executed and a message box with "Hello" text is popping.
When you close the program by clicking the form's X button, the Form_Unload
event is being executed and a message box with "GoodBye" text is popping.

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