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Monday, March 2, 2009

Learning about Properties

Learning about Properties
Every component (form is component for example) has properties,
that determine its look and its functioning.
Properties can be the component color, width, height and more.

To see the form properties, select from the menu View->Properties Window (Figure 8).

The properties window looks like this:

In the red circle you can see the component name:
These are the properties of a Form, and the form's name is Form1.

The column marked by the blue circle contains the form's properties names:
The form has Name property, Appearance property AutoRedraw property, and more.

The column marked by the black circle contains the form's properties values:
The form's Name is Form1, The form's Appearance property is 1 - 3D, and so on.

You can change the form's properties.
For example, lets change the form's Caption property.
What is the Caption property? The Caption is the text that appears on the
Form's title bar.
Right now the text that appears on the form's title bar is Form1 (Figure 5).

To change the Caption property, simply click on the Caption property in the
form's properties names column (Figure 10).

As you see, the current Caption is Form1.
Delete the "Form1" text and type instead of it "Hello" (Figure 11).

Now run the program using the Play button (Figure 4).
You will see that the text on the form's Title bar is Hello (Figure 12).

Try to change others properties:
Change the form's BackColor property to change the form's background color,
Change the Icon property to change the icon that appears on the form's title bar.
You can try and change every property, and in this way learn what does it do.

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