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Saturday, February 28, 2009


The SQL SUM aggregate function allows selecting the total for a numeric column.

The SQL SUM syntax is displayed below:

FROM Table1

We are going to use the Sales table to illustrate the use of SQL SUM clause:


CustomerID Date SaleAmount
2 5/6/2004 $100.22
1 5/7/2004 $99.95
3 5/7/2004 $122.95
3 5/13/2004 $100.00
4 5/22/2004 $555.55

Consider the following SQL SUM statement:

SELECT SUM(SaleAmount)
FROM Sales

This SQL statement will return the sum of all SaleAmount fields and the result of it will be:


Of course you can specify search criteria using the SQL WHERE clause in your SQL SUM statement. If you want to select the total sales for customer with CustomerID = 3, you will use the following SQL SUM statement:

SELECT SUM(SaleAmount)
FROM Sales
WHERE CustomerID = 3

The result will be:


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