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Monday, February 23, 2009

Exercise 10.2: Overloading


In this exercise, you are going to exercise the concept of overloading, Please note that overloading and overriding are two different concepts.

Steps to follow:

1. Modify StudentRecord.java of Exercise 10.1 as shown in Code-10.2.a below. The code fragement that needs to be added is highlighted with bold and blue-colored font.

* Add two overloaded print(..) methods.

public class StudentRecord {


public void print(String name ){

public void print(String name, double averageGrade){
System.out.print("Name:"+name+" ");
System.out.println("Average Grade:"+averageGrade);

Code-10.2.a: StudentRecord.java

2.Write StudentRecordExample2.java as shown in Code-10.2.b below.

* cd \myjavaprograms (if you are not in this directory already)
* jedit StudentRecordExample2.java

public class StudentRecordExample2{
public static void main(String [] args) {
StudentRecord annaRecord =new StudentRecord();


// Invoke overloaded methods
annaRecord.print(annaRecord.getName(), annaRecord.getAverage());
Code-10.2.b: StudentRecordExample2.java

3. Compile and run the code. If you experience compile errors, fix the compile errors.

* javac *.java (or javac StudentRecord.java StudentRecordExample2.java)
* java -classpath . StudentRecordExample2

4. Verify the result

* Name:Anna
Name:Anna Average Grade:65.16666666666667

Steps to follow if you are using NetBeans

It is assumed you are using the same NetBeans project you created in Exercise 10.1.

1. Modify the StudentRecord.java of Exercise 10.1 as shown in Code-10.2.a above
2. Write StudentRecordExample2.java

* Right studentrecordexample package node (Not StudentRecordExample project node) and select New->Java Class
* Under Name and Location pane,
o for Class Name field, type StudentRecordExamle2
o Click Finish

3. Modify the NetBeans generated StudentRecordExample2.java

* Replace the code of the NetBeans generated StudentRecordExample2.java with the one of Code-10.2.b above while leaving the package statement at the top

4. Right click studentrecordexample package node (Not StudentRecordExample project node) and select Compile Package (F9)
5. Right click StudentRecordExamle2 and select Run File


1. Modify StudentRecord.java as following

* Add another overloaded print() method which takes the following three parameters
o name
o grade average
o student count

2. Modify StudentRecordExmaple2.java as following

* Invoke the newly added print() method

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